Peggy Billeaudeau = MBA, LPC, LPC-S LAC, NCC, BC-TMH
Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator
Certified Compulsive Gambling Counselor
© Heal Your Life Coach
© Heal Your Life Workshop Facilitator
For more information please get in touch with email - Email is the best form of communication.
Affirmation Station
I am using my unique skills and abilities to work in my perfect career.
I now have clarity about my career path.
I am committed to giving excellent service in everything I do.
It is wonderful to have clarity about my life purpose.
I always have good relationships with my co-workers.
I have a great relationship with my boss.
I have excellent relationships with everyone who works for me.
I attract fantastic employees (or contractors.)
I create my success with my skills, talents, and positive attitude.
I am confident that I earn a wonderful living doing work and service that is important to me.
Life arranges for me to meet those who will assist me in my career.
It’s so exciting to be earning a good living using my special talents.
It is delightful to be working with creative, loving, supportive people.
I am grateful for my skills and talents.
I am passionate about helping others live the life they deserve.
I bless my job, co-workers and my boss.
~~From Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen by Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D, © 2002
Every cell in my body is alive with health and energy.
I sleep in peace and wake in joy.
My body is strong and healthy.
Every system in my body functions exactly as it was intended.
I easily choose to nurture my body with healthy foods.
I am so grateful for my health and vitality.
I pay attention and listen to what my body needs for health and vitality.
I move and exercise my body in ways that feel good.
My immune system is strong and healthy.
I have excellent health practitioners that assist me in achieving and maintaining
a strong, healthy body.
I meditate daily to give my body deep rest and enhance my immune system.
I am guided to any supplements to take for my health.
I breathe deeply, bringing energy to all my cells.
My body is flexible.
My body has a remarkable capacity for healing.
Every resource I need for my healing comes to me.
I am so grateful for the beautiful way the trillions of cells in my body work together!
I approve of myself.
I love and accept all parts of myself.
Loving myself heals my life.
~~From Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen by Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D, © 2002
Ideal Weight
Every day my relationship with food becomes healthier.
I am learning and using the mental, emotional, and spiritual skills for success. I am willing to change!
I love my body. I appreciate my body.
It’s exciting to discover my unique food and exercise system for my ideal weight.
I am delighted to be the ideal weight for me.
It’s easy for me to follow a healthy food plan.
I choose to embrace thoughts of confidence in my ability to make positive changes in my life.
It feels good to move my body. Exercise is fun!
I use deep breathing to help me relax and handle stress.
I am a good person.
I deserve to be at my ideal weight.
I am a lovable person. I deserve love.
It is safe for me to lose weight. I am a strong presence in the world.
~~From Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen by Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D, © 2002
I am a money magnet.
Every day my relationship with money becomes healthier.
I am willing to master the energy of money.
It’s easy for me to take care of the practical aspects of managing my money.
My income is constantly increasing as my expenses stay proportionately the same or less!
All of my needs are met by the Universal abundance of Spirit.
I am now having fun learning to manage money.
I am an excellent money manager.
I believe I deserve to be financially free.
I now know it’s OK to be “nice AND rich.”
I give generously and receive with joy.
I am so grateful for all the money I have now.
I embrace positive new beliefs about prosperity.
My bank accounts have more money in them each month.
Unexpected income is always coming my way.
I have brilliant ideas for easily increasing my income.
I always have enough money to pay my bills ahead of time.
I choose to embrace thoughts of abundance that nurture and support me.
I am confident that I earn a wonderful living doing work and service that is important to me.
I welcome an abundance of joy, love, and money into my life.
I believe that money is my friend and I deserve to receive it in abundance.
~~From Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen by Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D, © 2002
I approve of myself.
I love and accept all parts of myself.
Loving myself heals my life.
I express my feelings openly and easily.
I am a loving and positive person.
I forgive myself and others totally.
I am willing to accept love. I deserve love.
People enjoy being with me because I am a joyful person.
I am so grateful to have a loving, supportive partner.
I am so grateful to have loving, supportive friends.
I emotionally support my friends and encourage them to be their best.
I am aware of past patterns that no longer serve me and release them easily.
I listen closely and open my heart when interacting with others.
My partner and I share and talk easily.
My partner and I are compatible emotionally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
The love I extend returns to me multiplied.
I enjoy wonderful associations with positive, uplifting people.
I love and appreciate the members of my family.
My relationships are filled with joy and fun and love.
~~From Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen by Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D, © 2002
I believe in my own power to change.
I am at peace with all of life.
This is a new moment. I am free to let go.
I am willing to forgive all those who have harmed me.
I take responsibility for my own life.
I am willing to create new thoughts for myself and my life.
I am one with the Power that created me. All is well in my world.
I see myself in a new light. I love myself.
I move forward, free from the past. I am safe.
It is safe for me to move beyond others’ limitations.
I trust the process of life.
I am open and willing to change.
I recognize that I am the source of my happiness.
I release that which no longer serves me.
I am open and receptive to wonderful, good experiences coming into my life.
I go beyond limiting beliefs and accept myself totally.
I claim my own power and lovingly create my own reality.
I am willing to release all old negative concepts and beliefs that are no longer supporting me.
I am at peace with myself and my life.
I forgive and release the past. I move into joy.
I AM willing to be guided and inspired in all of my actions under all conditions.
I accept and receive guidance and clarity regarding which actions to take at all times.
I AM willing to trust that what is in front of me to do is for the highest good!
I AM willing to feel safe, guided and peaceful as I surrender to Divine Guidance and Divine timing in all things!